Ct Autoqa Lite This is our CT or PET autoQa Lite 1.The Reference Center for Regulatory Authorities A: CT image quality control, whilst not a new idea, is not a part of the Imaging QA radiology personnel I have worked with. It might be something most labs are not familiar with, or are unfamiliar with the problems it solves. Sites have different rules about where you may operate, the requirements of different type of equipment, and different skillsets among personnel. The average radiologist has little to no experience in automated image quality monitoring. The best way to gain the most benefit is to have a radiology administrator, tech, or someone else in-house for support, with the skill sets to help implement such a system. With a site tech's and admin's time, there can be cost saving overall. It can help identify and alert your QA personnel for errors that would take too much time to detect manually. A: However, it is hard to get the CT images from some busy centres. For example, in Yangpu's referral hospital, only one or two CTs are available at peak periods. We think that CT-IQCs are an excellent idea. But I think that phantoms, such as the Catphan, are not the best phantom in this case. On some busy centres, the IQCT phantom is in operation, and CT-IQCs is not available. The IQCT Phantom is not an accurate instrument. It is good to perform full attenuation calibration first, for calibration, the CT phantom can be used. After calibration, the CT-IQC can be used to perform QA. Q: Finding the index of element of array in javascript I have an array which contains of Boolean elements. var arr = [true,false,true,false]; I need to find the index of the element whose value is true var index = arr.indexOf(true); I got index = 3, but the answer should be 0. How can I do that? A: You can use the find method: var index = arr.findIndex(x => x); That will work since JavaScript arrays are simply objects and the indexOf method actually looks for an element in an object: arr.indexOf(object) === arr.findIndex(object) Q: Switch two cases from one method to another method MR QA. Chapter 9. Dynamic Planar and Single-Photon Emission MRI is the backbone of neuroimaging. Because of its high sensitivity, the ability to identify subtle abnormalities, lack of ionizing radiation, and lack of artifacts, it is the preferred method of diagnosing diseases in children. Other benefits include the ability to image infants using whole body images and to perform susceptibility weighted imaging, which improves the detection of acute hemorrhage in the brain and is especially useful in cases where CT and MR are equivocal. MRI is also valuable for detecting tumors and their spread. Overview During MRI, hydrogen protons inside the body become agitated and emit energy in the form of radiofrequency (RF) waves. In typical MRI, these RF waves are gently tuned, amplified, and sent back to the scanner through an antenna coil. The scanner records different signals in various locations of the body depending on the strengths of the received RF signals. The MRI signals are stored in memory and reconstructed. These reconstructed images are then corrected for contrast, brightness, and other sources of variation to produce a medical image. Although generally safe, there are a number of potential hazards that physicians, patients, and parents must be aware of during MRI. First, imaging equipment may be relatively large and some patients may be claustrophobic, especially when required for multiple studies. Second, many MRI machines use a magnet, which can generate unpleasant sensations. This is especially true for those with metal implants, such as pacemakers or metallic screws. Third, the material and size of the MRI scanner can heat very quickly. This heat can easily transfer to the patient if the scan is being performed in a warm room. Fourth, the gradient field, which is designed to provide smooth, continuous changes in magnetic field strength, can cause discomfort, and in extreme cases, the patient may experience a jolt and fall to the floor. This is especially true of cardiac and head MRI, both of which require a very strong gradient field. Finally, although the MRI machine provides a powerful diagnostic tool, it also creates a strong magnetic field in close proximity to the patient. The magnet can be extremely strong in relation to the patient, causing discomfort and pose a danger to the patient. Scanning Procedure The process of receiving data from the scanner and generating an image can take several minutes. While lying on the scanner bed, the patient may be given a sedative to relieve any anxiety. During scanning, patients are encouraged to keep their eyes closed to 82138339de
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